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Office Desk


Please get in touch with me via email to discuss my fee's.


Fixed Fee


Sometimes it's easier to set a fixed price for a particular task. An initial quote is given based on the scope of the work but can be subject to revision if the parameters of the work later change.


Retainer Basis


Depending on the nature and volume of the work, it may be best to retain a certain amount of hours each week/month. You can, therefore, guarantee my time. This is often the most popular solution as it is suitable for people who need ongoing support and helps me gain an in-depth understanding of your business, which, in turn, allows me to help you stay focused on achieving your goals.


Using this package you will confirm a minimum number of hours a week/month when you sign your contract, and this will be fixed, however you can top up your contract with additional time if required. (See below).


When using this package you will sign either a 3, 6 or 12 month retainer.


Top Up Hours


If you’re having a hectic month you can always top up your hours. Extra time is always billed by every additional 30 minutes, giving you flexibility and control when you need to go over your retained hours, not charging you for a full hour if it is not needed.

Bespoke Package


There is no one size fits all because all businesses are unique. My pricing agreements are designed to fit and we will work out with you the right number of hours to support your business. All initial meetings are free of charge.

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